VBS Sign Up Form

We are looking forward to this year's VBS July 22nd-25th. Each night the fun will begin at 6:00 and end at 8:00. We are accepting kids Pre-K to 6th Grade. Thank you so much for allowing your child to be with us and have a great time while learning about the love of Jesus at the same time. 

Are there any siblings attending? If so, we will need you to fill out another form for them as well. Just rescan the QR code to do so.

Also, we will be taking photos/videos of all VBS activities and may be posting them on social media. By signing this form, you are giving us permission to do so.

If your child does not ride a bus to VBS, but you want them to ride one home, please leave that in the comments. You cannot tell your child to tell us. We need parents consent before we let them get on the bus.

If your child did not ride a bus, please get here at 7:45 to pick to pick your child up once VBS is over. 

Thank you so much for allowing us to minister to your kid(s) and we hope God speaks to their hearts in a special way.